Giancarlo Buomprisco

Giancarlo Buomprisco

·9 min read

Building Scalable Multi-Platform Projects with Angular and Nx

Building a scalable multi-platform monorepo application with Angular and Nx

This article is a follow-up from my previous thought that I wrote on building enterprise-scale projects in Angular.

In the previous article, monorepos and Nx were mentioned but I had not yet had the pleasure to try them out. It was clear, that although the structure mentioned was decent enough for a single project targeting a single platform, it would have fallen short for sharing code with other projects.

Monorepos to the rescue

In the past few months, I have been working on multiple projects — some with a high degree of complexity; one of my projects required me to write an application that needs to be able to run on multiple platforms, which is one of the reasons why I felt the previous article needed an update:

  • I want to ship a single project for multiple devices (mobile, desktop) sharing as much code as possible
  • I want my project’s API to share models with the client applications, in the same workspace
  • I want SSR (Server-Side Rendering) because, well, it’s 2019

What this article is about

Let’s face it - Building scalable projects is hard. I’m sure you had a similar conversation at least once in your career: 

  • You: Hey, where should we place these functions? It’s getting messy 🤔
  • Colleague: Oh, just create (yet another) folder “utils” and put it there 😐
  • You: Okay… 🙄

In the first part of this article, we’re going to discuss how Nx helps structure your applications, and how we can leverage it to build insanely scalable projects.

In the second part, we take a more hands-on approach: a step-by-step guide on setting up an Angular application that is server-side rendered with NestJS, sharing code with a mobile Ionic application. It took some time for me to get it all right, so I want to help you (and future me) to do it effortlessly.

Tech Stack

In order to do this, I will be using the following technologies:

  • Nx Workspaces: without a doubt the best tool to manage monorepos with Angular projects. Nx augments the CLI and allows us to easily build multiple apps in the same repository with ease
  • Ionic/xplat: Ionic is an awesome mobile framework for building cross-platform apps. Thanks to xPlat, we will be able to easily create an Ionic app that integrates with Nx
  • NestJS: a progressive NodeJS framework inspired by Angular

Introduction to Nx Workspaces

There are two reasons why you may want to use Nx

  • you work with multiple teams and multiple projects that can share code together
  • or, you are obsessed with code organization like I am!

Jokes aside, Nx is a wonderful tool that helps to organize code in a scalable fashion; even if you’re not planning on writing the next Facebook, the goodies provided by the Nrwl team are enough of a reason for me to kickstart my projects with Nx.


Nx is a tool to create extensible mono-repository projects. If you have used the Angular CLI, Nx will look familiar, but with some differences.

Every application will be created within a folder called /apps, including your e2e tests project. For example, you may create apps written in Angular, React, Ionic, Nativescript, Express, NestJS, etc.

Or, all of them at once, sharing code!


Your libraries, instead, will be placed within the folder /libs.

What exactly are they, though? Of course, small reusable pieces of code than any application within our workspace can use; but as Nx also says, libraries are smaller units of code with a well-defined API.

Libraries are ideal for sharing Angular Entities and Typescript Entities. For example:

  • It is likely that you will want to share the same interfaces between front-end and back-end. Creating a lib called models will allow all your applications to access the same models without having to rewrite them twice
  • Your applications will likely make use of lots of components, pipes, directives, and services that will be common between all your applications: tests, mobile, front-office, back-office, etc.

Anatomy of an Nx Workspace

The project structure below is the starting point of any Nx project:

<workspace name>/
├── apps/
│   ├── myapp/
│   │   ├── src/
│   │   │   ├── app/
│   │   │   ├── assets/
│   │   │   ├── environments/
│   │   │   ├── favicon.ico
│   │   │   ├── index.html
│   │   │   ├── main.ts
│   │   │   ├── polyfills.ts
│   │   │   ├── styles.scss
│   │   │   └── test.ts
│   │   ├── browserslist
│   │   ├── jest.config.js
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── tsconfig.json
│   │   ├── tsconfig.spec.json
│   │   └── tslint.json
│   └── myapp-e2e/
│       ├── src/
│       │   ├── fixtures/
│       │   │   └── example.json
│       │   ├── integration/
│       │   │   └── app.spec.ts
│       │   ├── plugins/
│       │   │   └── index.ts
│       │   └── support/
│       │       ├── app.po.ts
│       │       ├── commands.ts
│       │       └── index.ts
│       ├── cypress.json
│       ├── tsconfig.e2e.json
│       ├── tsconfig.json
│       └── tslint.json
├── libs/
├── tools/
├── angular.json
├── nx.json
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── tslint.json

Working with Nx: Creating Applications

Now that I (may have) convinced you to use Nx and Angular, I am going to show you, step-by-step, how to set up a dream tech-stack that I described above.

Creating a new Nx Workspace with Angular and Nest

We will start with a few commands that will kickstart our project structure thanks to Nx until we will have a working monorepo project with the latest Angular version and NestJS as NodeJs framework.

The following command will generate a working monorepo project with the latest Angular version and NestJS as Server-Side Node framework:

$ new workspace --preset="angular-nest" --appName="nx-angular-ssr" --style="scss" --collection=[@nrwl/workspace]( "Twitter profile for @nrwl/workspace")

The command line will prompt what style preprocessor you like, I’d recommend choosing SCSS.  Sit tight, it will take a while. Nx will create a workspace in a folder named workspace.

API and Server-Side Rendering

NestJS provides an awesome CLI plugin in order to automatically prepare the application for server-side rendering.

Run the following command in the Nx workspace:

$ ng add @nestjs/ng-universal

When the command line prompts for the application name, enter nx-angular-ssr. The plugin will create a folder named server, but we already have a server application, so we will ignore that (that means, you can delete it). As expected, we need to do some changes.

Importing Angular’s Universal Module

The first thing to do is to import Angular Universal in our Nest application: to do that, we open the file apps/api/app/app.module.ts and we paste the following code to the imports array of the AppModule class:

  viewsPath: join(process.cwd(), 'dist/browser'),
  bundle: require('../server/main'),
  liveReload: true

Of course, don’t forget to import AngularUniversalModule and join.

Fixing the environments` path

We need to apply a small change to the angular.json configuration. Unfortunately, the path to the environments files is incorrect, so we patch it according to the real path, which is apps/nx-angular-ssr/src/environments as shown in the image below:

Adjust Webpack’s configuration

The last thing we need to adjust is the server’s Webpack configuration. Open the file webpack.server.config and replace the content with the following snippet:

And at this point, it’s all done! We only need to build and run our application.

Run the Server-Rendered Angular app Wih Nest JS

The NestJS plugin added some useful command to build and run the application. We first need to build the SSR application by running:

$ npm run build:ssr

And then, we’re able to serve it:

$ npm run serve:ssr

Open your browser at http://localhost:3333 and there is your server-rendered Angular application powered by NestJS!

Adding an Ionic application with xPlat

xPlat is a tool that extends Nx Workspaces with a set of generators that help kickstart projects written in Electron, NativeScript, and Ionic. In our case, we want to use it for generating a mobile application written using Ionic.

Generating an Ionic app

In order to generate applications using xPlat, we need to install it first. Run this CLI command in your workspace root:

ng add @nstudio/xplat

You will be prompted what sort of application you want to use:

[] Electron
[] NativeScript
[-] Ionic

In our case, we will choose Ionic for Angular projects (which will be asked in the next step).

We will then generate our application using the following command:

$ ng generate app

The CLI will prompt us for some configuration. Here are my choices below:

When the CLI asks for the folder where the app will be located, enter an empty space, and it will be automatically placed within apps.

Adding Capacitor

Capacitor is Ionic’s framework to build cross-platform applications. For some reason, it did not automatically get added, so we install it manually:

$ npm i --save-dev @capacitor/core

Running the app

We will run the application in the same way we run any other CLI application. The only thing to notice is that xPlat prefixed the name of our application with the prefix ionic-.

Run the following command in order to run the Ionic app in the browser:

$ ng serve ionic-mobile

Sharing Code

Now that the app is set-up and running, we want to start sharing code between our applications. An example of ideal code-sharing would be our state-management modules or a UI component library.

As we said earlier, all the code that we plan to share across the applications will be added as a library under the folder libs. The application generated by xPlat already sets up the paths for us to import libraries using virtual paths, but I wasn’t too happy with it.

The default virtual path in the tsconfig.json is set-up as follows:

"@workspace/*": ["../../libs/*"]

Unfortunately, this makes us have to also write the whole path to the src/lib/index.ts barrel file, which is inconvenient. As a result, I decided to add the following paths in order to access the UI library more quickly:

"paths": {
    ...other paths,
    "@workspace/ui": ["../../libs/ui/src/index.ts"],
    "@workspace/ui/*": ["../../libs/ui/src/*"]

Once that’s done, I open the file home.module.ts in our mobile application and import the UI library’s module:

// other imports...
import { UiModule } from '@workspace/ui';

  imports: [SharedModule, HomeRoutingModule, UiModule],
  declarations: [HomeComponent],
export class HomeModule {}

Our home route in the Ionic application has now access to the components developed in parallel with the other platforms!

Not just Ionic

As we said, xPlat also allows you to build for other platforms, such as NativeScript and Electron (and who know what else in the future!). 

As a result, the code could be shared between even more applications.

Final Words

Building a large project, able to share code and scale across multiple teams is surely no easy feat.

Monorepo architectures allow us to work in parallel and easily share code, and Nx makes managing the monorepo a much easier job than it would be otherwise.

This article showed you an example of how we can achieve a dream tech-stack with awesome technologies such as NestJS and Ionic, accelerate processes, maximize code reusability and organize a scalable project structure thanks to Nx.

References and Related Reading

If you need any clarifications, or if you think something is unclear or wrong, do please leave a comment!

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