Giancarlo Buomprisco

Giancarlo Buomprisco

·5 min read

A Reactive Enum with Typescript and RxJs

Typescript's template literals' types allow us to generate dynamic and typed code, together. In this article, I want to show how we can build a dynamic reactive enum with TS and RxJS

Template Literal Types are one of the best things to happen to TS in a long time. They allow us to generate dynamic code - and also provide the correct types to the consumers.

This new ability is particularly handy to library creators: imagine automatically creating typed Redux actions based on the prefix of the entity of a reducer, for example.

Subjects and State

I like RxJs' Behavior Subjects for storing state - it's easy and quick.

Though there is a ton of repetition - I've always tried to find a way to reduce the boilerplate needed.

Let's see a quick example with an Angular component (the code below is very meta-codey, don't take it too literally):

enum State {

class MyComponent {
    readonly state$ = 
        new BehaviorSubject<State>(State.Initial);

    readonly states = State;

    requestData() {;

        return this.http.pipe(
            tap(() => 
            catchError((e) => {

                return of([]);
<ng-container [ngSwitch]="state$ | async">
    <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="state.Initial">
        <button (click)="requestData()">
            Request Data

    <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="state.Success">
        All good!

    <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="state.Error">

    <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="state.Loading">

Template Literal Types finally allow us to do so. Enter Reactive Enum. Even if you're not interested in using it, learning what's possible with using Template Literal Types is eye-opening.

Reactive Enum

Our goal is: given a TS enum, generate an Rx Observable for each key, so that we can subscribe to each key's value changes.

Here is an example:

// declare an enum
enum Status {

// pass your enum to "reactiveEnum"
const status = reactiveEnum(Status);

// "status" has now autmatically generated a method for each value of the enum
status.initial$.subscribe(); // false ...  // true
status.pending$.subscribe(); // false      // ^
status.success$.subscribe(); // false      // |
status.error$.subscribe();   // false      // |
                                           // |
status.set(Status.Initial);                // |
status.value$(); // Observable<Status.Initial>

I happen to simplyfing my templates by writing lots of methods that check if the current state is a certain value of the enum. That is, lots of mapping enum === EnumValue.

Let's compare the above with the same code if we were to use a BehaviorSubject:

import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';

class MyComponent {
  private readonly status$ =
    new BehaviorSubject<Status>(Status.Initial);
  private readonly initial$ =
     this.status$.pipe(map(status => status === Status.Initial));
  private readonly pending$ = 
    this.status$.pipe(map(status => status === Status.Pending));

  // and so on

When we use the reactiveEnum utility, these methods are already there!

Building it from scratch

Okay! Let's see how we can build the above.

First, let's define the types which we can assign to each key of a reactive enum.

Our reactive enum will contain the following methods:

  • all the keys generated using the enum, appended with the dollar sign $
  • a few utility methods to set the current value, reset to the original value, unsubscribe, etc.
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable, map } from 'rxjs';

interface CurrentState<S> {
  value$: Observable<S[keyof S]>;

  value(): S[keyof S];

interface Settable<S> {
  set(value: S[keyof S]): void;

interface Resettable {
  reset(): void;

interface Releasable {
  release(): void;

type KeysToObservableMapper<State> = {
  readonly [K in Extract<keyof State,
    string> as `${Lowercase<K>}$`]: Observable<boolean>;

export type ReactiveEnum<S> = KeysToObservableMapper<S> &
  Settable<S> &
  CurrentState<S> &
  Resettable &

type Enum<E> = Record<keyof E, E[keyof E]>;

interface Transition<State> {
  when: Observable<unknown>;
  become: State[keyof State];

interface Config<State> {
  initialValue?: State[keyof State];

type ConfigParam<State> = State[keyof State] | Config<State>;

The magic happens here:

type KeysToObservableMapper<State> = {
  readonly [K in Extract<keyof State,
    string> as `${Lowercase<K>}$`]: Observable<boolean>;

What's going on here? Let's see:

  • we create a Type named KeysToObservableMapper which takes an argument State, and has the shape of an object
  • we iterate the keys of the argument State by using K in {}, but we use Extract to only get the strings of this type
  • we then map K using the as syntax, transform K to its lowercase value, and append $ at the end of the literal type
  • the value of each key is indeed Observable<boolean>

Code generation

Now that our types are in check - we need to write the code that generates the methods dynamically.

Our reactiveEnum will accept the enum, and we will use the second parameter for setting the initial value. We leave the interface flexible by allowing a full configuration objec.

function reactiveEnum<State extends Enum<State>>(
  state: State,
  config: ConfigParam<State> = {},
): ReactiveEnum<State> {
  const initialValue = isConfigObject<State>(config)
    ? (config as Config<State>).initialValue
    : config;

  const state$ = 
    new BehaviorSubject<State | undefined>(initialValue);

  const container: Partial<ReactiveEnum<State>>
     = {};

  for (const key in state) {
    const property = `${key.toLowerCase()}$`;

    const value$ = state$.pipe(
        map((value) => {
            return value === state[key];

    Object.assign(container, {
      [property]: value$,

  Object.assign(container, {
    set: (value: State) => state$.next(value),
    reset: () => state$.next(initialValue),
    release: () => state$.unsubscribe(),
    value$: state$.asObservable(),
    value: () => state$.getValue(),

  return container as ReactiveEnum<State>;

function isConfigObject<T>(
    config: ConfigParam<T>
): config is Config<T> {
  return Object(config) === config;

What happens here?

  • First, we create a subject with an initial value
  • For each property, we define a set of methods attached to an object container
  • Each key of the property needs to match the type of our literal type defined in the interface, hence will be ${key.toLowerCase()}$
  • Once we set the utility methods (release, reset, set, etc.), we return the object to the consumer


Let's write a simple test to check the initial value is set up correctly:

enum Status {

describe(`reactiveEnum`, () => {
    it('should start with a default value', (done) => {
        const status = reactiveEnum(Status, {
            initialValue: Status.Initial,

        const streams$ = combineLatest([

        streams$.subscribe(([loading, initial]) => {



This library has some limitations:

  • all enum values are converted to its lowercase particularly
  • no current way of setting a value without using an enum. This can be very useful in Angular's templates, if we set a value directly from the template - because we would not need to store a public property with the Enum

Using the library

If you're interested in using this library, you can also install it from NPM

Install the library from NPM:

npm i @ngbites/reactive-enum

Final Words

This is a very quick example of what TS's template literal types can do, but hopefully can inspire you to do some magic stuff and save you tons of keystrokes.


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